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Importance of Science Full Forms and Examples

Words and phrases are shortened or abbreviated in abbreviations and acronyms (s). They make it simpler to read and interpret messages. They also assist in attaining rigorous word-count requirements by eliminating word repetition and so making the content easier to read. When writers discover a new approach and wish to give it a memorable name, they frequently introduce new acronyms. The authors feel that this enhances the likelihood of the strategy being accepted and remembered!

Abbreviations are utilised in numerous disciplines, including science, education, computer technology, examinations, and banking. Many people are unfamiliar with the full forms of abbreviations since they are so often used. As abbreviations save time and energy, knowing the whole form is preferable to understand the important information. Let’s look at how full form may benefit in a variety of situations. In this article, we will discuss biology full forms and many more science abbreviations used.

Full form list used in Science

Science has several fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and many others. Abbreviations are commonly used by scientists working on earth science, satellite, and other comparable research projects. For better comprehension, we need to grasp the entire forms of scientific terminology.

  • Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
  • Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is a kind of nucleic acid.
  • PH stands for Potential Hydrogen.

Full Form List of Physics

Many shortened terminology related to physics processes and phenomena are used. Physics is now separated into two categories: classical physics and contemporary physics. The majority of the physics components came from the domains of optics, astronomy, and mechanics, which were methodologically united using geometry analysis.

  1. ACMP – Advances in Condensed Matter Physics
  2. ACRU – Astrophysics Cosmology Research Unit
  3. AF – Audio Frequency
  4. BEEM – Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy
  5. BG – Boltzmann Gibbs
  6. CC – Closed Circuit
  7. CM – Center Of Mass
  8. MRI – Magnetic Resonance Image
  9. AC – Alternative Current
  10. DC – Direct Current
  11. CRT – Cathode Ray Tube

Full-Form List in Biology

Biology is the natural science that investigates living species’ origins, anatomy, morphology, physiology, behaviour, and distribution. Before the name biology was coined, there were other terms that characterised the study of plants and animals.

  1. ABA – Absicic acid
  2. ACTH – Adreno-Corticotropic hormone
  3. ADCC– Antibody-dependent Cell-mediated Cytotoxicity
  4. ADH – Anti-diuretic hormone
  5. ADP – Adenosine Diphosphate
  6. AFLP– amplified fragment length polymorphism
  7. AI -Artificial insemination
  8. AIDS– Acquired immune deficiency Syndrome
  9. ALL– Acute lymphocytic leukemia
  10. RIA -Radioimminoassay
  11. RNA– Ribonucleic Acid
  12. RQ– respiratory quotient (Q10)
  13. rRNA– Ribosomal RNA
  14. RTI– Reproductive tract infection

Full-Form List in Chemistry

Chemistry is a foundational subject that underpins all other sciences. The majority of chemical names are shortened. Chemistry is primarily concerned with the atoms, ions, and molecules that make up elements and compounds. Chemistry is a core science with origins in a variety of other scientific fields. Here are some important chemistry full forms listed below.

  1. Ac -Acetyl (CH3C=O)
  2. acac–  Acetylacetonate (ligand)
  3. AIBN – Azobis(isobutyronitrile)–radical initiator
  4. 9-BBN– H 9-Borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane
  5. bda -Benzylidene Acetone
  6. A– Atom
  7. AA– Acetic Acid
  8. AA-Amino Acid
  9. AA– Atomic Absorption spectroscopy
  10. AE-Activation Energy
  11. AT-Adenine and Thymine
  12. At- Astatin
  13. ABS– Absorb


Abbreviations are shorter versions of words and phrases that are frequently used in research articles to assist make extremely complicated technical writing briefer and simpler to read.

Science, education, computer technology, exams, and banking are just a few of the fields that use abbreviations. Because acronyms are so often used, many people are unfamiliar with their full forms. Although abbreviations save time and energy, knowing the whole form is preferable to understand the important information. Let’s take a look at how full form may help in certain scenarios.


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