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Best Boarding Schools

The COVID-19 pandemic has produced significant economic, social, and political issues throughout the world. It has resulted in an educational crisis as well as a health catastrophe. Because of the suddenness, ambiguity, and volatility of COVID-19, the school sector has been rushing to accommodate the shifting learning environment. COVID-19 has caused substantial disruption in the educational system, which institutions must address as quickly as possible. The demand is for higher education institutions to create a resilient learning system founded on evidence-based and needs-based data in order to implement responsive and proactive interventions. Coping with the consequences of COVID-19 at higher education institutions requires a diverse set of opinions from stakeholders. 

Consultation should include the administration, which supports the teaching-learning processes, the students, the system’s core, faculty members, or teachers who perform various academic roles. Also, it should include the parents and guardians who share the responsibility of learning continuity, the community, and external partners who contribute to the completion of the students’ educational requirements. These intricate identities demonstrate that a higher education institution has a vast number of stakeholders. 

In the context of the pandemic, universities must begin to comprehend and identify the short and long-term repercussions of this event on teaching, learning, student experience, infrastructure, operation, and personnel. Scenario analysis and an awareness of the environment of each institution are required to address the present difficulties they face. In times of crisis, universities must be decisive; in the educational system, resilience is defined as the capacity to withstand challenges, trauma, tragedy, and situations and emerge stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful. The educational system must prepare to go ahead and face the new normal after the catastrophe. Higher education must address teaching and learning continuity during and after the pandemic in order to be resilient.

If you are wondering about how to get into Yale or how to get into Princeton, below is an infographic from AdmissionSight that further explains the best boarding schools.

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